BIGTIME Perpetual Listing on KINE

Dear KINE users,

We are thrilled to inform you that the BIGTIME/USDT Perpetual currency will be officially listed on our platform at 6:00 pm (UTC+8) on October 13th, 2023. Get ready for an enhanced trading experience with leverage ranging from 1 to 50x by simply clicking "Trade Now"!

Please note that KINE does not make any recommendations or guarantees regarding any crypto assets, products, or activities on the platform. Crypto asset prices are subject to significant fluctuations, and investing carries risks. Please exercise caution when entering the market.

Kine Protocol remains committed to providing you with the best trading experience and will continue to offer you high-quality products and services. Thank you for your support!

Kine Protocol Team

October 13th, 2023

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