Sept 1- KINE is officially launched on Polygon.Come and split $200,000 KINE rewards!

Activity time: From 18:00, September 1, 2021 to 23:59, September 7, 2021 (UTC+8)

Activity Rules:

Addresses that meet the following 3 requirements at the same time can participate in the share of $200,000 KINE tokens rewards:

  1. During the event, users who registered/logged in on the KINE platform through the Polygon network.

  2. During the event, users conduct any currency transaction on the KINE platform. The trading volume must be greater than or equal to $1000.

  3. During the event, the account’s balance (deposit amount minus withdrawal amount plus account balance at 18:00 on September 1, 2021) is greater than or equal to $50.

Please Note:

• Event rewards will be issued within 2 weeks after the event ends.

• The account balance at 18:00 on September 1, 2021 is based on the currency price, which is a random snapshot of the exchange price between 17:55 on September 1 and 18:05 on September 1 (account balance does not include KINE tokens).

• Robots maliciously swiping orders or similar behaviors will be disqualified from receiving rewards.

• The final interpretation right of this event belongs to the KINE platform.

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