Open Test Result

Thank you for participating in Kine's Kovan test, it's time to show the community what we have achieved and how much you guys have contributed !

Total interacted address: 68,370

Total exchange registered user: 19,401

Total trading volume: 5,062,529,663 kUSD

Here are the rules for token rewards :

  • After analyzing on the test data and removing bots, we have identified 4838 addresses qualified for 25 Kine rewards, 209 addresses qualified for 50 Kine rewards.
  • From UTC 2021-03-08 00:00:00 ~ 2021-3-15 00:00:00, addresses that completed Mint and Trade will be rewarded with 25 KINE.
  • From UTC 2021-03-08 00:00:00 ~ 2021-3-15 00:00:00, addresses that completed Mint, Burn, DApp Withdraw, Trade, and Withdraw will be rewarded with 50 KINE.

Post Kine's mainnet launch (time to be announced), rewards will be available for claim in Kine exchange after a minimum of 1$ trade.


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