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Install Metamask

We currently support using the desktop Chrome version of the Metamask wallet for interaction with the Kine Protocol interface.

Install Metamask here:

Connect to Kine exchange

Metamask users can connect directly without registration by clicking 「Connect with Metamask」.

Sign in Metamask.

Deposit Margin

Starting from Aug 20th, traders can select kUSD/ USDT/ USDC as your margin. USDT is default margin currency, switch to USDC or kUSD, please follow margin currency switch guideline

Go to「Portfolio」,follow these steps to complete margin depoist:

  1. Click Deposit

  1. Enter the amount you want to transfer

Start Trading

  1. To start trading, transfer your margin to trading account.
  1. Select asset, check its price movement and funding rates at the top-left section.

  1. Select Cross Margin or Isolated Margin

  2. Open a position. Choose Buy to open a long position, and Sell to open a short:

  1. Choose to place a market order or condition order

  1. Enter the size of the position you want place, the amount of leverage will adjust accordingly. You can also choose the leverage you'd like to use, position size (aka 'amount') will update.


  1. Check Positions/Open Orders/Order History:

  1. Close positions

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