Stake and Mint

1. Stake

Connect to Kine Finance dApp, enable the token you want to stake, let's say you want to stake WBTC.

click "Enable", then "Use WBTC as Collateral"

Approve the transaction and wait for a bit, your WBTC will be enabled. Now click "Add"

Approve WBTC for staking

Approve the transaction and wait for a bit, the approve button will change to "STAKE".

Now input your staking amount, or click "Max" to stake all the token balance. Then click "STAKE"

Approve the transaction and wait for a bit, your staking value will increase.

2. Mint kUSD

Mint kUSD now that you have spare staking value.

80% is the predefined max percentage that you can mint into kUSD from your staking value. Input amount then click "MINT"

Approve the transaction and wait for a bit, you will be able to see your kUSD balance increased and available for wallet transfer. Click on the "+" button to add kUSD or Kine to your wallet.

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